Let EDDY Do It.
Relax! Save time, and enjoy life!
Never leave the office again to make a bank deposit. Let BankTennessee's EDDY handle them safe and securely straight from your desktop. It scans, sends and deposits checks electronically and securely from your desktop.
Whether you need high speed remittance processing or just a few checks to deposit each day, EDDY works for you by scanning, sending and depositing checks electronically.
- EDDY never takes a break allowing you to enjoy 24/7 banking hours by making "after hours" deposits possible.
- EDDY saves time and money by eliminating trips to the bank.
- EDDY safeguards your financial information with a state-of-the-art security system.
- EDDY streamlines accounting and reconciliation by minimizing manual deposit preparation requirements.
- EDDY eliminates geographic restrictions and facilitates a "single bank" relationship.
- EDDY doesn't require you to endorse checks or prepare deposit tickets.
- EDDY maintains check copies within the scanner for 45 days. These images can be downloaded to your own storage device.
- EDDY allows for same day credit. (The bank must receive your deposit no later than 5:00 p.m. CST)
EDDY will be a great asset to your company. In fact, it may be your Employee of the Year!
Questions? Click here.
See how EDDY can work for you!